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定檔通知 | 關(guān)于第十六屆深圳國際激光與智能裝備、光子技術(shù)博覽會和LMN 2022 世界激光制造大會延期定檔通知

激光制造網(wǎng) 來源:LASERFAIR深圳激光展2022-10-29 我要評論(0 )   

Notice of Postponement of LFSZ 2022 LMN 2022Dear exhibitors, visitors and partners,Due to special circumstances,LASERFAIR SHENZHEN 2022 (LFSZ 2022) and LMN W...

Notice of Postponement of LFSZ 2022 & LMN 2022

Dear exhibitors, visitors and partners,

Due to special circumstances, LASERFAIR SHENZHEN 2022 (LFSZ 2022) and LMN World Laser Manufacturing Conference 2022 (LMN 2022), originally scheduled to be held at Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Center (Bao’an New Hall) on 3-5 November, 2022, will be postponed to 27-29 June, 2023. The show venue remains the same.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the postponement and appreciate all exhibitors, visitors and partners for your understanding and support. We will do our best to enhance the preparatory work of the event and provide better service and experience for all participants. We look forward to seeing you at this highly anticipated industrial event next year!

Hannover Milano XZQ Exhibitions (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

28 October, 2022



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