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來源:激光制造網(wǎng)2019-02-06 我要評論(0 )   

Cambridge Technology Releases NewScanMasterController SoftwareCambridge Technology發(fā)布新的ScanMaster控制器軟件Bedford, M

Cambridge Technology發(fā)布新的ScanMaster控制器軟件

Bedford, MA (Feb 4, 2019) – Cambridge Technology, a business unit of Novanta Corporation (“Novanta”) announces the release of a new version V2.4.19 of ScanMaster Controller (SMC) and ScanMaster Designer (SMD) for high-end marking and material processing applications.

馬薩諸塞州Bedford(2019年2月4日) -  Novanta Corporation(“Novanta”)旗下的業(yè)務(wù)部門Cambridge Technology宣布推出一款新版V2.4.19ScanMaster控制器(SMC)和ScanMaster設(shè)計者(SMD),專門用于高端的打標(biāo)和材料加工應(yīng)用。

Under this new version, the SMC and SMD will feature:


?               Adaptable wobble trajectory

?               Intelligent laser controls

?               3D marking enhancement

?               Breakthrough path optimization

?               Hole-drilling feature enhancement with support for flexible drill shapes

?               Stitching and calibration advancements

?               自適應(yīng)擺動軌跡

?               智能激光控制

?               3D標(biāo)記強化

?               突破路徑優(yōu)化

?               對于靈活鉆頭形狀,支持鉆孔特點強化

This new release provides enhanced features and optimized performance, specifically for users looking for application-specific features like Via-Hole Drilling, Laser Additive Manufacturing and Marking and Coding applications. This technology allows flexible system integration and job creation, making it extremely adaptable and powerful. It fuels optimized laser processing and streamlined job creation thanks to the powerful combination of proprietary technology in the ScanMaster Controller and ScanMaster Designer.


For more information about ScanMaster Controller and ScanMaster Designer, visit www.cambridgetechnology.com. Cambridge Technology also offers a broad range of analog, digital, and hybrid laser beam steering solutions, partnering with customers to enable maximum performance in fully-integrated systems.

關(guān)于ScanMaster控制器和ScanMaster設(shè)計者的更多信息,請訪問www.cambridgetechnology.com。 Cambridge Technology還提供廣泛的模擬、數(shù)字和混合激光束控制解決方案,與客戶合作,在全集成系統(tǒng)中實現(xiàn)最高性能。

about Cambridge Technology

關(guān)于Cambridge Technology

For almost 50 years, the Cambridge Technology business of Novanta has developed innovative beam steering solutions, including polygon- and galvanometer-based optical scanning components, 2-axis and 3-axis scan heads, scanning subsystems, high power scanning heads, and controlling hardware and software.

近50年來,Novanta旗下的Cambridge Technology業(yè)務(wù)開發(fā)了創(chuàng)新的光束轉(zhuǎn)向解決方案,包括多邊形和基于振鏡的光學(xué)掃描組件,2軸和3軸掃描頭,掃描子系統(tǒng),高功率掃描頭,控制硬件和軟件。

We collaborate with key OEMs to engineer products that meet their needs. Key market applications include advanced industrial processes including additive manufacturing, laser converting, laser marking, and via-hole drilling, and medical applications such as laser treatment and optical coherence tomography.


about Novanta


Novanta is a trusted technology partner to original equipment manufacturers in the medical and advanced industrial technology markets, with deep proprietary expertise in photonics, vision and precision motion technologies. For more information, visit www.novanta.com.


(translated by Johnny (Guozhong) Li, editor of laser manufacture news)



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