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華南激光行業(yè)盛宴 哪個精彩瞬間“燃”了你

來源:銳科激光2019-05-15 我要評論(0 )   

引領(lǐng)智造未來2019年中國(深圳)激光與智能裝備博覽會(LFSZ 2019)于2019年5月8日-10日在深圳會展中心舉辦。THE LASERFAIR SHEN


2019年中國(深圳)激光與智能裝備博覽會(LFSZ 2019)于2019年5月8日-10日在深圳會展中心舉辦。

THE LASERFAIR SHENZHEN 2019 is being held from May 8 to 10, 2019 at the Shenzhen International Convention.


Raycus participates at Booth A016 in Hall 9, demonstrating technology-leading innovations, new and effective solutions, and fiber-optic laser applications that follow the trend.


Let’s review together the wonderful moments in the feast of the South China Laser industry.


Popular Models


Single Module CW Fiber Lasers


This model can be applied to a variety of applications: cutting, welding, piercing, additive manufacturing, medical device processing, etc. The cut sheet is narrow and the section is bright, which has obvious advantages over the same type of laser.


· Multi-module CW Fiber Lasers


The product can be widely applied in welding, precision cutting, melting and cladding, surface processing, 3D printing and other fields. Its optical output performance helps it better integrate with robots as a flexible manufacturing equipment to meet 3D processing requirement.


Short Pulse Fiber Laser


The product has short pulse set up time, online modifiable pulse width and other characteristics. It is ideal for industrial applications in the fields of solar photovoltaic, thin film cutting, sheet material cutting, welding, surface cleaning of materials, fine marking and material deepening, etc.


· Q-switched Pulsed Fiber lasers


It can be widely applied in the fields such as marking, precision processing, graphic engraving of non-metal, gold, silver, copper and aluminum with anti-reflection capacity, stainless materials without anti-reflection capacity.


Fiber Delivered Direct Diode Lasers


This product can be applied to a variety of applications: cutting, welding, drilling, additive manufacturing, medical device processing, etc. The cut sheet is narrow and the section is bright, which has obvious advantages over the same type of laser.


High-power Pulsed Fiber Lasers


It is ideal product for mold surface treatment, automobile manufacture, shipping industry, petrochemical industry and tire manufacture. At the exhibition site, Raycus engineers also demonstrated the application of laser descaling for everyone.


Wonderful Speech


At the Raycus booth during the exhibition, there were also wonderful speech reports. From company & product introduction to the application of cutting, welding and cleaning processes, Raycus was in-depth and led the audience to understanding of relevant industrial applications.


Raycus Honor

在展會同期舉辦的“LMN Awards 2019年度中國激光行業(yè)貢獻獎”頒獎典禮上,銳科激光12kW光纖激光器榮獲主辦方頒發(fā)的中國工業(yè)激光器創(chuàng)新貢獻獎。

At the LMN Awards 2019 awarding ceremony held at the same time, Raycus 12kW fiber laser won the China Industrial Laser Innovation Contribution Award.


The multi-module CW fiber laser(12kW) developed by Raycus. Its electro-optic conversion efficiency exceeds 30%, and equipped with 100um standard core diameter transmission cable. The optimized beam quality is at the high level in the industry, and the processing effect and efficiency have reached the international advanced level. The product has the advantages of high light beam quality, high energy density, long service life and maintenance-free operation, and the core device based on independent intellectual property rights further reduces the manufacturing cost. Even after the warranty period, the maintenance cost can be controlled and extended. The cost is more economical, and the repair parts area is prepared to achieve a faster service response.


Under the background of the rapid development of Chinese laser industry, Guangdong Province has further promoted the development of laser manufacturing industry in South China after years of innovation and industrial agglomeration. With the excellent communication platform of LASERFAIR, Lets meet at 9A016 of Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center.



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