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2013慕尼黑參展商簡介: 杭州冠聲科技有限公司

激光制造網(wǎng) 來源:激光制造商情2013-02-25 我要評論(0 )   

公司中文名稱: 杭州冠聲科技有限公司 公司英文名稱: Hang Zhou Guan Sheng Technology Co., Ltd. 中文地址: 杭州余杭區(qū)良渚街道荀山廟底下47號 英文地址: No.47 MiaoDIX...

公司中文名稱: 杭州冠聲科技有限公司

公司英文名稱: Hang Zhou Guan Sheng Technology Co., Ltd.

中文地址: 杭州余杭區(qū)良渚街道荀山廟底下47號

英文地址: No.47 MiaoDIXia,XunShang,LiangZhu Street,YuHang District,HangZhou City

總部: 中國/China

地區(qū): 浙江

展位編號: W1.1580

網(wǎng)址: www.hzgskj.com

公司中文描述: 冠聲科技長期致力于硬脆材料特種加工技術(shù)的研究和開發(fā)。擁有自制的UM系列硬脆材料數(shù)控特種加工機床,能大批量高質(zhì)量的完成各類硬脆材料產(chǎn)品的加工??蓪ΣAА⑻沾?、藍寶石、硅、鍺、鐵氧體、釹鐵硼等各類硬脆材料的異形通孔和盲孔、溝槽、小孔、復雜曲面形狀零件進行加工。

公司英文描述: Hagnzhou Guan Shen Technology Co.,LTD long-time aims at the research and development for machining technology on hard and brittle materials. It is highly focusing on the technology innovation and keeping a leading role in industry by a firm tie with universities.Possessed with self-made advanced manufacturing equipment, the company has the ability to machine all kinds of hard and brittle materials including glass, ceramics, sapphire, silicon, germanium, ferrite, neodymium iron boron, hardened steel, hard alloy and Chromium layer in large scale and with high qualification by processing them to irregular shape and through holes, blind holes, groove, pinholes and other complex shaped componentsHagnzhou Guan Shen Technology Co.,LTD warmly welcomes the domestic and overseas customers come to paradise Hangzhou and seek for the common cooperation

行業(yè):    光學   精密工程   航天/航空   半導體制造業(yè)   化工/制藥行業(yè)   專業(yè)技術(shù)服務(wù)

主要產(chǎn)品:    光學   光學生產(chǎn)技術(shù)   光學晶體   半成品光學元件   光學生產(chǎn)設(shè)備   光學生產(chǎn)加工   材料加工原材料 



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