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Reinhart Poprawe

來源:LIA.org2016-04-23 我要評論(0 )   

Reinhart Poprawehas worked in the laser industry and its related organizations for over 30 years. He received an M.A. in


Reinhart Poprawe教授在1977年獲得了加州州立大學物理學碩士學位。Reinhart Poprawe教授就任亞琛工大激光技術研究所及勞恩霍夫激光技術研究所所長。從1989到1996年1月他在亞琛的蒂森激光技術有限公司擔任總經(jīng)理。從1996年2月開始在勞恩霍夫激光技術研究所擔任常務董事?,F(xiàn)在是AKL(Arbeitskreis Laser technike.V.Aachen)董事會的一員。Poprawe教授在1998年被選為美國制造工程師學會會員(SME)。2006年成為美國LIA激光協(xié)會會員,2012年成為SPIE會員,2015成為IAPLE會員。 2001年,他作為美國激光研究所的董事會成員(LIA)并且成為許多國家在國際委員會中擔任顧問,例如南非國家激光中心。他還作為中國的校長代表主持了RWTH-International Board,在2014年獲得了清華大學的榮譽教授和美國激光協(xié)會的肖洛獎。

Reinhart Poprawe has worked in the laser industry and its related organizations for over 30 years. He received an M.A. in physics from California State University in Fresno in 1977. After completion of his Ph.D. in physics (Darmstadt, 1984) he joined the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (ILT) in Aachen, Germany wher he worked as head of a department for laser-oriented process development. Prof. Poprawe started Thyssen Laser Technik GMBH in 1988 and was the company’s CEO. Since 1996, he has been managing director of Fraunhofer ILT and holds the University Chair for Laser Technology at the RWTH Aachen. In 2004 he served as vice rector of Aachen University and currently is a member of several boards in the scientific and industrial organizations, e.g. the AKL Arbeitskreis Lasertechnik e. V. Aachen. He also chairs the RWTH International Board and is the Rectors delegate for China.



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