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至于你信不信 激光能測(cè)試你活多久(雙語(yǔ))

星之球科技 來(lái)源:新東方在線2013-08-13 我要評(píng)論(0 )   

遇見(jiàn)未來(lái):激光測(cè)試你還能活多久? An ingenious but slightly ominous 'laser death test' has been developed by scientists that can tell you how long you have le...



  An ingenious but slightly ominous 'laser death test' has been developed by scientists that can tell you how long you have left to live。


  A simple and painless laser pulse applied to the skin analyses endothelial cell that lines the capillaries, reports the Sunday Times。


  Oscillations in these cells are used to determine the a person's time of imminent death as well as testing for diseases such as cancer and dementia。


  The research has been conducted by Aneta Stefanovska and Peter McClintock, physics professors from Lancaster University and is funded by government grants。

  這個(gè)科研項(xiàng)目由政府出資,其執(zhí)行人是英國(guó)蘭卡斯特大學(xué)的教授Aneta Stefanovska 和 Peter McClintock,

  The laser is applied through a wristwatch-style device and a working version is expected to be in use within three years。


  There have been a number of advances in predicting ageing in recent years。


  A blood test has already been developed that can determine how quickly you will age and help stave off diseases associated with older life。

  血液測(cè)驗(yàn)已經(jīng)達(dá)到了可以測(cè)驗(yàn)出你什么時(shí)候開(kāi)始衰老,從而可以預(yù)防和解決很多進(jìn)入老齡后會(huì)患的疾病。Professor Tim Spector, from King's College London, told the Daily Mail: "Scientists have known for a long time that a person's weight at the time of birth is an important determinant of health in middle and old age, and that people with low birth weight are more susceptible to age related diseases。

  英國(guó)倫敦國(guó)王學(xué)院的教授Tim Spector告訴報(bào)社記者“科學(xué)家們都知道,一個(gè)人出生時(shí)的體重是中年和老年健康評(píng)估的一個(gè)重要參數(shù)。出生體重過(guò)低的人會(huì)更容易在年老的時(shí)候患病。

  "So far the molecular mechanisms that link low birth weight to health or disease in old age had remained elusive, but this discovery has revealed one of the molecular pathways involved."





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